Managing and apps for Roku and Amazon Fire TV have outgrown the capabilities of one person. I have grown this platform into over 300 thousand followers on nothing but the efforts of one person. IN order to continue, I need help with the technical stuff in maintaining the sites, and apps with one professional full time coding staff.
Estimate cost 5,000/month on a shoestring budget
Freedom Android Phones with Awake Freedom TV built right in.
I have gotten us on Roku, and Amazon Fire TV. IN order to develop android phones, there must be an app, that can be updated by the full time coder that can push updates to every single android phone that we sell.
The prototype phone will cost us 10k, and then we can roll out the phones at $500 per phone, which is a fraction of an android or iphone today. These phones will have prebuilt VPN's, the Awake Freedom TV app preinstalled, and privacy features that your existing phones do not have.
We need the prototype and money for an initial run of 500 phones. Estimated cost $27,500